
A.V. Lavrov. Andrei Belyi and “Kol’tso vozvrata” in “Zashchita Luzhina”

Researchers of Vladimir Nabokov’s literary works often refer to his words in the letter to Edmund Wilson dated January 4, 1949: ““Upadok” russkoi literatury v period 1905–1917 godov est’ sovetskaia vydumka. V eto vremia Blok, Belyi, Bunin i drugie pishut svoi luchshie veshchi. Ia rozhden etoi epokhoi, ia vyros v etoi atmosfere”[1].

A.V. Lavrov. Leonid Semenov – Andrei Belyi’s correspondent

“Moi slova pamiati budut o stikhotvortse, miatezhnike, rabotnike, strannike, sviashchennike i muchenike Leonide Semenove-Tian’-Shanskom”, wrote Z. N. Gippius in her essay “Poema zhizni (Rasskaz o pravde)” (1930)[1]. Thus she described the life’s milestones of a “mladosimvolist”, Aleksandr Blok and Andrei Belyi’s peer, who chose, however, not purely creative, but (using a fairly suitable symbolist term) “life-building” (“zhiznetvorcheskii”) way.

A.V. Lavrov. “Prekrasnyi rytsar’ Parsifal’”: Michail Sizov – Andrei Belyi’s correspondent

When describing the informal circle of “Argonauts”, which was formed around him in early 20th century and which was both closely connected with literary, creative, religious and philosophical milieus of Moscow and at the same time largely autonomous from them, Andrei Belyi noted that “argonavty” “slivalis’ s “simvolistami”, schitali sebia po sushchestvu “simvolistami” ‹…›, no otlichalis’, tak skazat’, “stilem” svoego vyiavleniia.

Andrey Belyi – Mediterranean traveller (new materials)

In 1910–1911 Andrey Belyi undertook an almost half-year long trip abroad: he left Moscow on November 26 / December 9, 1910, and returned to Russia (Odessa) on April 22 / May 5, 1911. He travelled with A. A. Turgeneva, who he had decided to be with right before the departure (the official marriage took place in March 1914 in Bern).

A. V. Lavrov. Andrei Belyi and Ellis on the objectives of “Musaget”

The general history of Moscow publishing house “Musaget” and the magazine “Trudy i dni” it printed has been outlined in a number of newest works[1]. The full picture of the “Musaget” activities can be recreated after a number of most important documents that throw light upon it are introduced for readers and researchers. First and foremost, this concerns the correspondence between Andrei Belyi and E. K. Metner, two main creators and managers of the publishing house, which is currently being prepared for print in full volume.

Correspondence between Andrei Belyi and Viacheslav Ivanov (1904—1920) Preface, text preparation and commentary by N. A. Bogomolov and J. Malmstad (USA)

There is probably no need to dwell on the place Andrei Belyi and Viacheslav Ivanov take in the culture of Russian symbolism. This is the topic of numerous works. Extremely few monographs that are dedicated to the life and development of Russian symbolism do not include a comparison, even if implicit, of these two figures. There are special works concerning both general and concrete aspects of their relationships, creative and ideological interaction. Fairly well-known are the texts of the writers themselves of a memoir and literary-critical type.