Correspondence between Andrei Belyi and Viacheslav Ivanov (1904—1920) Preface, text preparation and commentary by N. A. Bogomolov and J. Malmstad (USA)

There is probably no need to dwell on the place Andrei Belyi and Viacheslav Ivanov take in the culture of Russian symbolism. This is the topic of numerous works. Extremely few monographs that are dedicated to the life and development of Russian symbolism do not include a comparison, even if implicit, of these two figures. There are special works concerning both general and concrete aspects of their relationships, creative and ideological interaction. Fairly well-known are the texts of the writers themselves of a memoir and literary-critical type. And yet, there is still no relatively comprehensive history of their relationship, filled with calm friendliness next to fierce controversy or even undisguised hostility. The publication of almost 50 letters that compose the whole epistolary complex known so far provides an opportunity to reveal certain significant moments of tension.