A. V. Lavrov. Andrei Belyi and Ellis on the objectives of “Musaget”

The general history of Moscow publishing house “Musaget” and the magazine “Trudy i dni” it printed has been outlined in a number of newest works[1]. The full picture of the “Musaget” activities can be recreated after a number of most important documents that throw light upon it are introduced for readers and researchers. First and foremost, this concerns the correspondence between Andrei Belyi and E. K. Metner, two main creators and managers of the publishing house, which is currently being prepared for print in full volume. Archives contain other unpublished documents that can significantly complete and update the information about “Musaget” registered in printed sources. Among those are program declarations written by Andrei Belyi and Ellis, the third initiator of the “Musaget” society, intended for publication in the magazine that was being planned at the beginning of organizational work on “Musaget” and postponed later, or for an advertising catalogue of books prepared for print.
[1] See: Frumkina N. A., Fleishman L. S. A. A. Blok mezhdu “Musagetom” i “Sirinom” (Pis’ma k E. K. Metneru) // Blokovskii sbornik. II. Tartu, 1972. P. 385–397; Lavrov A. V. “Trudy i Dni” // Russkaia literatura i zhurnalistika nachala XX veka. 1905–1917. Burzhuazno-liberal’nye i modernistskie izdaniia. M., 1984. P. 191–211; Tolstykh G. A. Izdatel’stvo “Musaget” // Kniga. Issledovaniia i materialy. Issue LVI. M., 1988. P. 112–133; Bezrodnyi M. V. Iz istorii russkogo neokantianstva (zhurnal “Logos” i ego redaktory) // Litsa. Biograficheskii al’manakh. Issue 1. M.; SPb., 1992. P. 372–407; Bezrodnyi M. V. Izdatel’stvo “Musaget”: gruppovoi portret na fone modernizma // Russkaia literatura. 1998. № 2. P. 119–131; Neizdannaia perepiska A. Bloka i E. K. Metnera / Publikatsiia, predislovie i kommentarii A. V. Lavrova // Aleksandr Blok. Issledovaniia i materialy. SPb., 1998. P. 195–223; Bezrodnyi Mikhail. Iz istorii russkogo germanofil’stva: izdatel’stvo “Musaget” // Issledovaniia po istorii russkoi mysli. Ezhegodnik za 1999 god. M., 1999. P. 157–198; Iunggren Magnus. Russkii Mefistofel’. Zhizn’ i tvorchestvo Emiliia Metnera. SPb., 2001. P. 42–74; Bezrodnyi M. V. Izdatel’stvo “Musaget” // Knizhnoe delo v Rossii v XIX – nachale XX veka. Sb. nauchnykh trudov. Issue 12. SPb., 2004. P. 40–56. The materials of “Musaget” conference held in RSUH in 2009 are published in the collection: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Musaget”. Istoriia. Mify. Rezul’taty: Issledovaniia i materialy / Sost. Anna Reznichenko. M., 2014.