Уважаемые коллеги,

Dear colleagues!

We are happy to welcome you on the website dedicated to the creative heritage of Andrei Belyi.

Among the collections presented on the portal only Belyi’s archive is almost equally shared between RGALI and the Manuscript Department of the Pushkin House. Therefore, it is here that the advantages of united electronic archive are most clearly seen. We have an opportunity to compare different autographs of novels, follow the development of author’s creative concept and restore his correspondence.

The fund of Andrei Belyi was created in the Central State Literary Archive, as the future RGALI was called in 1941–1954. The fund (450 storage items and 7000 pages of autographs) includes one of the biggest collections of autographs of poems, prose and dramatic works by Andrei Belyi. RGALI contains the drafts of the poet’s early texts, the novels “Petersburg”, “Moscow”, “Kotik Letaev”, the plans of novels “Masks” and “Germany”, memoirs “The Beginning of the Century”, “On the pass” (“Diary of philosophic thoughts”), “Between two revolutions”, articles, research, lecture notes on the rhythmics of verse and history of Russian literature, his famous “Schemes”, pictures and diagrams. The fund includes extensive correspondence, the materials of the circle of experimental aesthetics and models.

The Manuscript Department of the Pushkin House is represented by drafts and final versions of both poetic (“Gold in azure”, “Rose morning”) and prosaic works (novels “Petersburg”, “The Christened Chinaman”, “Kotik Letaev”, articles, notes).

How to work with the website


The electronic catalogue of the website allows both context search and search on certain parameters, such as title of file, dates and names, place of storage, type of archive documents and their mode of implementation.


The websites of the portal require registration of researchers and scientific groups. Registration will allow you to access electronic copies of the documents in good quality (with high resolution) and conduct detailed textological research.

We would also like to understand who our audience is.

Map of website

The section “Digital archive” contains creative heritage that is kept in the funds of RGALI and IRLI, RAS. In the “Research” section scientists can familiarize themselves with both classic and contemporary scientific works dedicated to the poet’s heritage. The section “Inventory” contains scientific and reference materials of the funds.